Error retrieving DX scratch org info

Issue #1256 closed
Oscar Scholten created an issue


I've been happily working with IC and DX (and "traditional" projects) for quite a few months, but a few days ago IC started giving the following error message whenever I clicked anywhere that required a list of connections (doing anonymous apex/soql queries). This was not a problem when working on a traditional project, but today I wanted to switch to a DX project and it turns out this is a blocker for me as I cannot seem to connect my code to a running scratch org.

The error message I get is:

"Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 2 path $" (see attached screenshot 1)

When I'm in the "Connections" configuration section, and click the DX icon to manage the DX connections, it first gives the above error, and then follows with:

"No dev hub found. A dev hub must be configured before scratch orgs can be created." (see attached screenshot 2).

I've tried starting with a brand new project, but that does not help.

Let me know if I can help with more info.

Cheers, Oscar

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oscar, it sounds like something is misconfigured with the SFDX CLI. Please enable debug logging for Salesforce DX as documented here:

    then reproduce the issue, and finally attach or email your idea.log, found using Help>Show Log in Explorer. That should hopefully show me exactly what's going on so that I can let you know how to resolve it.

  2. Oscar Scholten reporter

    My bad - a few days ago I was fiddling around in the cmd files that start the sfdx toolchain. I had added some "echo" statements to figure out where to place an additional parameter for the nodejs runtime ... I never realized IC calls the cmd files directly. Thanks for the quick resolution!

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