Illuminated Cloud 2 SOQL window is blank and unable to write SOQL queries.

Issue #1257 resolved
Krishna Pinnamaraju created an issue

Hi Team,

I just now migrated from illuminated Cloud to Illuminated Cloud 2 license and I am unable to write SOQL queries in the SOQL editor. Please see the attached image.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Krishna, please update to the most recent build of IntelliJ IDEA/WebStorm and it should be resolved. There was an incompatible plugin SDK change that causes issues in the SOQL query editor against older builds of the base IDEs.

    If that doesn't resolve the issue for you, please let me know.

  2. Krishna Pinnamaraju reporter

    Even when I click on method name it is not taking me to the exact location where that method is defined. I t is just taking me to the class and focus is coming at the start of the class.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Let's see how much of this is resolved by upgrading the base IDE. Rest assured that you shouldn't have any issues like this. My guess is that you're running 2017. or an early build of 2018., and the plugin SDK has changed quite a bit since the former and a reasonable amount since the latter. I build IC2 against very recent versions of the plugin SDK to take advantage of the latest-and-greatest features and enhancements offered by it.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad to hear! Sorry for the scare right after upgrading. Don't hesitate to let me know if you see any other issues. Things should all work nicely for you.

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