IC2 cripples IntelliJ on opening a non-IC2 project

Issue #1273 resolved
Alan Birchenough created an issue

I have a Clojure project in IntelliJ using the Cursive plugin. When I open the project, the IC2 Log View springs open and tries to connect to the alphabetically first Salesforce connection in the list. The credentials are bad - this was an org we worked on years ago - so it asks if I want to fix them. I say "no". The Log View resumes trying to get trace flags, and so I am asked again whether I want to fix the credentials. I am now stuck in a loop and cannot do anything in IJ. Clicking on the "Cancel" button on the "Retrieving Logs" dialog does nothing for some reason. My only way out of this is to disable "reopen last project" in IJ by updating the setting in the preferences on the file system outside of IJ, or, if I can figure out how to open IJ without firing off the log retrieval, disable the IC2 plugin altogether.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hmmmm...that's really strange. I obviously have IC2 installed and have many non-IC projects...most Java but at least a couple that are Python, shell scripts, etc. If/when IC sees what it things to be Salesforce metadata in these projects, I just click Ignore in the toaster pop-up and IC never prompts again. I'm curious about the issue with the Log Viewer, though. That shouldn't be happening. Can you provide logs? I won't tell you how to do so because you know the drill all too well!

  2. Alan Birchenough reporter

    Sure. I'll try, although the circular nature of the inescapable modal interactions might make it tricky.

  3. Alan Birchenough reporter

    I am not sure if it is worth pursuing this, although I am happy to do so if you want to. There seemed to be two undesirable behaviors that might be worrisome: 1. The Log Viewer insisted on opening when the project was opened; 2. When the alphabetically first connection was chosen in the list and IC attempted to connect, I got into a vicious circle of undismissable modal dialogs.

    I ran into this problem again on Saturday. To force an immediate failure I took my machine offline and got "Could not send message" as expected. I then closed the Log Viewer. Upon going back online, nothing bad happened (as expected). Furthermore, I was able to close and reopen the project without incident. I guess that somehow the project was previously closed with the Log Viewer open, even though this was not an IC project - I may have opened it in error at some point - and that led to the unfortunate series of events.

    Please let me know if you would like me to go ahead and try to recreate the problem and provide logs. If not, I would think it reasonable to close this issue at this point.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Alan, I've heard about this from another user and thought I'd fixed it, but evidently not. Let's keep this open while I investigate why this might happen, starting with why the Log Viewer sometimes seems insistent on popping up when opening a project, but of course also why it might choose a bad connection when doing so. I'll let you know what I find.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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