All of my Database.Batchable classes are now wrongly highlighted

Issue #1289 resolved
Bryan fritz created an issue

All of my Database.Batchable classes are now wrongly highlighted by the IDE as missing the Batchable methods

I see in the past this issue was resolved, however I am effected and find it annoying :>. Let me know if I can do anything to resolve this on my end.


Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Bryan, can you create a standalone reproduction of this issue and attach it here? I'm not seeing any issues with my implementations including this bare-bones example:

    public with sharing class Issue1289 implements Database.Batchable<Account>
        public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> accounts)
        public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context)
        public Iterable<Account> start(Database.BatchableContext context)
            return null;

    I'd be curious to know what implementation is causing you issues.

  2. Bryan fritz reporter

    The barebare class now saves without issue. Any idea what is causing this for my other classes that were previously ok?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Bryan, is that class highlighting with errors in the IDE for you? If so, what happens if you regenerate your OST and then allow the project to close/reopen? What you're seeing isn't really about deployment/save but rather about IC's incomplete concrete class code inspection potentially yielding a false negative. Given that the class provided above does not produce one for me, let's see if it does for you both now and after an OST regeneration (which has the side-effect of rebuilding some caches).

  4. Bryan fritz reporter

    Scott, I did a FULL OST and everything seems to be ok now. I really thought I had done that previous to posting. Thanks allot for the help!

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm glad that resolved it but I am curious about what state it was in when it was throwing all of those false negatives. Resolving for now but please let me know if you see that behavior again for sure.

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