Not able to retrieve metadate due to surveys

Issue #1299 resolved
Lucas Pirard created an issue
  • IC:

  • IntelliJ:

    • IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.1 (Community Edition)
      Build #IC-191.6707.61, built on April 16, 2019
      JRE: 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b44 amd64
      JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
      Windows 10 10.0
  • Affected Component: Retrieval

  • Description:

When trying to retrieve/refresh metadata from the Sandbox, I get the error as shown in the screenshot. Reached out to Salesforce Support and they pointed out that it had something to do with Surveys (" You don't have access to view or run flows of type Survey." ). After searching in Setup, I enabled Surveys, after which it was possible to retrieve again. When disabling it, the retrieval fails again.

Salesforce thinks the issue is with Illuminated Cloud since I was able to retrieve via ANT. I would like Surveys to be turned off though, so I’m hoping I can find a solution here.

Attached is a log using following categories (based on other tickets I found here; I removed client references):


Please let me know should you need more information.

Comments (12)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Lucas. I have not taken a close look, but Illuminated Cloud allows you to specify an exact metadata subscription so surveys can be excluded. How is your metadata subscription configured for this project? Have you tried using the same package.xml that you use for Ant?

  2. Lucas Pirard reporter

    Hi Scott. Strange thing is that surveys are not added to the metadata subscription. I used the exact same package.xml with ANT as I did with Illuminated Cloud.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, I see, Lucas. The issue is occurring as IC lists metadata from the server, not during the retrieval. No matter what those APIs shouldn't GACK (the An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 267708478-11864 (-885076361) error you're receiving), but I can make IC more tolerant of such poor behavior. Let me make that change and I'll post a build here to see if it resolves your issue. Give me just a few...

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    One request before I make that change...your stack trace seems to be based on an older build. Can you update to the latest ( at present) and reproduce the issue, then provide the stack trace from that log so that it aligns with current code? Thanks!

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Lucas, I spoke with Salesforce about this while at TrailheaDX last week. Evidently this can happen when a feature is enabled in the org but not licensed. According to Salesforce it should not throw an internal server error like this, but it's not surprising to them that it does.

    I've attached a test build which should catch and log this error and move on with the operation. Please download it (do not extract it) and install it using Settings / Preferences > Plugins > Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down in recent base IDE versions). Let me know if that resolves the issue for you or not. If so, I'll ensure that it's included in the next official build.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Lucas. Yes, there should be no negative change in functionality with that fix. It just catches the GACK raised by the server and logs it instead of having it stop further processing. Can you elaborate on what other change in behavior that you're seeing?

  7. Lucas Pirard reporter

    Hi Scott, I do not see any other change of behavior. Thank you for looking into this.

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