When having multiple directories in one module with metadata auto-complete doesn't work

Issue #1320 resolved
Jaap Branderhorst created an issue

Multiple dirs (see above) under force-app/main

With approx the same structure:

Resulting in unrecognised code (but it compiles):

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jaap, I believe you need to add the other directories as source roots. Notice how the default directory is colored blue and the others aren't? You can do this either by right-clicking on a directory and clicking Mark Directory As>Sources Root, or you can use Illuminated Cloud>Configure Module and set source directories under the Project Structure tab. Let me know if that doesn't resolve this for you.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm 99% sure what I stated in the previous comment will resolve this issue, but if not please feel free to reopen.

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