From Apex: Run SOQL in query editor

Issue #1329 duplicate
Justin Julicher created an issue

When developing it is sometimes useful to copy SOQL from APEX to the query editor and replace the inline variables with real values.

It would be good if we had an ALT+ENTER option to run SOQL in query editor option and would either:

  • Provide a dialog box with the options to replace (i.e. if query has ‘ID IN : setOfIds’ in the where clause it would prompt for you to have a comma separated list of values, one line for each replacement.
  • Like a live template allow you to tab through the result and add in values (although it would be better with option 1 I feel).

Option 2 - Live template might result in something like :

SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where Id in ('[TAB1]') AND Name = '[TAB2]'


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