CorsWhitelistOrigin Metadata Folder and File Extension Retrieved with Incorrect CamelCase

Issue #1369 resolved
Petr Svestka created an issue

According to both the folder and file extensions are lowercase. IC retrives them in camelcase.

Retrieved and wrong:

  • corsWhitelistOrigins/*.corsWhitelistOrigin

Should be:

  • corswhitelistorigins/*.corswhitelistorigin

Leads to issues with deployments when we take files retrieved by IC.

Looks like a bug in Salesforce as it is the only metadata type that has this naming convention. Nevertheles, IC should be aligned.

Comments (4)

  1. Petr Svestka reporter

    @Scott Wells sorry for confusion, but in the end it’s the documentation that’s wrong. IC is retrieving it correctly in camelCase. You can close this if you’re not in talks already with Salesforce to correct the above documentation.

    Thank you!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Petr. I just now saw this. Yes, I'll go ahead and resolve this since it's not strictly an IC issue. I'm happy to pass this along to Salesforce if you haven't already done so. Just let me know.

  3. Petr Svestka reporter

    Thank you, Scott. Fine by me. You probably have better connections at SFDC than most us. Maybe they’ll address it quicker if they hear it from you;-)

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