Add class level Debug setting

Issue #1372 resolved
Justin Julicher created an issue

In the Developer Console we can set the log levels for classes and triggers with the override functionality like in the screenshot below.

There are certain classes that can be a little ‘noisy’ by design in debug logging which can lead to the debug logs exceeding the limit of 20mb.

It would be good to be able to create a set of log levels for class or trigger overrides in maybe the Debug Editor dialog or maybe the Log Viewer.

The TOOLING REST URL for setting class level debug is:



{"Id":null,"StartDate":null,"ExpirationDate":"Mon, 29 Jul 2019 13:30:00 GMT","DebugLevelId":"7dl4E0000000JhYQAU"}

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yep, this is coming. In fact, I'm right in the middle of a large set of enhancements for the log viewer now, though I'm starting with changing it into more of a log analyzer than a viewer...tree table-based view, profiler-oriented features, etc. I hope to get all of that out this week. Once I get finished with that I'll look at improving IC's log level/trace flag configuration features so that you can set things up the way you want from directly within IC.

  2. Justin Julicher reporter

    I’m not sure if you know this also, but it seems when you run tests through the API the debug logs are still limited to 5MB? I get MAXIMUM DEBUG LOG SIZE Reached quite often debugging unit tests and when I cut & paste into sublime and save it comes out as 5.2Mb…. are there any settings on your end that you can adjust?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Debug logs in the orgs aren't limited to 5MB, but there was an IDE config setting that was limiting them to that size. I've already addressed that as part of the work I'm doing now and now IC can process full 20MB logs no problem. Current course and speed I hope to have these new Log Viewer features in users' hands by Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

  4. Justin Julicher reporter

    Yeah I understood that and I put the max file size way up to 100Mb (what would happen was that it would truncate the first part of the file). Hmm, must of been an anomaly when my logs were limited to 5.2Mb as I ran a debug again and got 20Mb.

    Looking forward to the new log viewer! If you need a beta tester let me know 😉

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    You raise an interesting point. I'm starting to look at having a beta plugin repo which is a half-step ahead of official. Anything I'd release to that should be daily driver quality, but features may still be in flux a bit. I already have a few folks who have expressed an interest in being on that repo instead of the official one. Let me know if you'd also be interested and I can let you know when it's available.

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