Quick Definition lookup only shows first line

Issue #139 resolved
Michael Hoefer created an issue

Would be great if the Quick Definition Lookup feature (CMD+Shift+I) showed the contents of the target file/method/variable ala Java. Right now it appears broken, only showing the first line of the target thing.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, I haven't done much yet explicitly for that feature. I think it's picking up what it's showing from another mechanism. I'll take a look soon and see what I need to do to show the entire declaration. My guess is that it's probably low-hanging fruit.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yup, it was really easy to get working properly. Just another well-defined extension point. I'll include the fix in a new build I'll be uploading on Sunday or Monday with some other stuff.

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