Add option to show deployment errors from log as IC2 problems in the same way an IC2 deployment does

Issue #1399 resolved
Jonny Power (he/him) created an issue

It would be really useful if we could pipe a deployment stdout to a file / IC2 API for IC2 to pick up and render the errors within IntelliJ as if IC2 had carried out the deployment.

This would be useful for those of use who had to build tooling around deployments (e.g. in our case a gradle pipeline due to sfdx cli limitations), or for pulling CI failures or production deployment issues into our project.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jonny, have you tried grabbing the build output and pasting it into Analyze>Analyze Stack Trace or Thread Dump? If it's formatted according to one of the patterns already recognized by IC's stack trace filter, it should hyperlink to the corresponding source.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    IC2 now includes CLI-type outputs for all deployment/retrievals/etc., in the Messages tool window, and if you're using the Salesforce CLI, you can also enable CLI command logging and capture the full command execution including the output.

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