Keep .iml file lightweight

Issue #1401 resolved
Gobius Dolhain created an issue

We would like to include the .iml file in version control so we can open projects in illuminatedcloud without a lot of hassle. But we are unable to do so since this file changes too much when unrelated metadata is added/removed on the salesforce org.

I propose that when using a “Selected“ subscription with for example “all classes”, to not store a reference to every single individual class in the .iml file, but just a generic “all“ entry for that metadata type.
Or that when using “Package.xml“ subscription, the Manifest tag is cleared (and the metadata options are depopulated).

Comments (1)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Based on changes over the past year or so -- specifically the removal of the Selected metadata type -- the .iml files should be quite lean now, at least from an IC2 contribution standpoint.

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