Set Debug Log Traced Entity to connection user by default

Issue #1417 resolved
Doug Ayers created an issue

In a recent release, IC2 introduced Setup Debug Trace Flag From the Logging Window.

I’m trying to create a new trace flag on a named user – the user that IC2 project is currently configured for.

However, the org has tens of thousands of users (more than 40K), and it seems the Traced Entity autocomplete option only lists a portion of them. Unfortunately, my connection user is not in the list and so I can’t create a trace flag for the user within the Log Analyzer panel.

For orgs with many users, and assuming that most times in IC2 that the trace flag being created is probably for the connection user, could the Traced Entity default to the connection user when the Type is User?


I create the trace flag from Setup menu in the org.


Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I've now heard about some variant of this from a few different users. The solution will be to make the search/filter capability of those drop-downs re-run the query with the filter criteria vs. filtering locally. I'm just about to release a build today or tomorrow but will look into this in the next build after that, so hopefully I can have a fix out later this week.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Can those of you experiencing this issue please install this build using Settings/Preferences > Plugins > Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down) and see if it resolves the issue?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Delivered in by properly batching the queries for users and Apex classes/triggers so that all are available for selection. In orgs with huge numbers of rows, these queries can take 10s of seconds, but the results are cached for the duration of the dialog window.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner includes a UX improvement for this. Now the progress bar properly reflects the actual progress loading users or Apex classes/triggers. While it won't make it any faster, it will at least tell you how far along it is now.

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