Can not show code coverage for APEX file, that is duplicated in project sources

Issue #1440 resolved
Roman Prytkov created an issue

Hi Scott,

It is the result of the discussion of the story “Code coverage and project modules organization“.

Because I have duplicated (CaseHelper.cls) files with different versions in different folders and modules IС has uncertainty what file to use to show code coverage and finally decides to use neither of them:

2019-10-02 18:40:29,852 [ 33385] DEBUG - lij.coverage.ApexCoverageSuite - D:/Projects/SF_projects/CCC/ALL_SRC/Outlook_Plugin/src/classes/CaseHelper.cls: isOstClassDeclaration = false; isTopLevelClassDeclaration = true
2019-10-02 18:40:29,852 [ 33385] DEBUG - lij.coverage.ApexCoverageSuite - Including class declaration from file D:/Projects/SF_projects/CCC/ALL_SRC/Outlook_Plugin/src/classes/CaseHelper.cls.
2019-10-02 18:40:29,852 [ 33385] WARN - lij.coverage.ApexCoverageSuite - Failed to find a class or trigger file for CaseHelper.
2019-10-02 18:40:29,852 [ 33385] DEBUG - lij.coverage.ApexCoverageSuite - Line count = 0

Can you consider to use in such cases the latest file, assuming that it is the latest version?

Logfile with a problem is attached.


Roman Prytkov

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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