Duplicate class-members in Web-storm's Structure pane

Issue #1446 resolved
Atanas Vasilev created an issue

On several instances of Web-storm in our company we’re experiencing this issue - every class-member is printed twice in the Structure pane. This is fixed the moment I click on any of the pane top buttons: sort by visibility, sort aphabetically, show inheritted, but yet - if I navigate to another class the issue is manifested again.

We’re not sure if this is specifically an Illuminated Cloud’s issue, but when we open other type of projects (JS, Angular), this is not manifested - that’s why we think it might be IC-related.

I tried invalidating caches / restart, also uninstalled IC 2, then re-installed it, but without success.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • removed component

    Removing component: PhpStorm/PyCharm/RubyMine/WebStorm (automated comment)

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