Having the IlluminatedCloud plugin enabled in RubyMine precludes being able to set the Ruby SDK for my Rails projects

Issue #1450 resolved
David Esposito created an issue

I spent more time than I care to admit trying to figure out why my Rails project refused to let me set a Ruby SDK in RubyMine.

I had previously been able to to to File->Settings->Languages & Frameworks->Ruby SDK and Gems and add a new remote SDK using a Vagrant config (Vagrant, SSH, etc, they all worked)

Today, I was able to add the new SDK, but when I picked the radio option in the list of SDKs and clicked OK, the choice didn’t stick. I tried a hundred things (reinstalling RubyMine totally clean, totally nuking my profile directory for RubyMine) and never thought about the IC plugin. Well, when I disabled the IC plugin and then nuked the .idea/ directory under my project folder, I was able to properly associate the Ruby SDK with the project. It seems like IC was adding a facet to the project (which wasn’t removed or ignored even after I disabled the IC plugin). I needed to nuke the whole .idea/ folder to remove the remnant of the IC facet.

I realize this is an obscure thing .. but wanted to log it just in case someone else arrives here in frustration.

I did see the normal errors in the Event Log panel when opening the project warning me about associating a IC module with the project, yada yada, but I ignored it assuming it had no effect.

There were no errors in the idea.log about failing to associate the SDK nor any mention of IC but if you want me to pull some logs, I am able to do so

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    David, thanks for letting me know. That's really strange. I'll see if I can reproduce it first and let you know if I need additional info.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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