Custom setting-specific completions not available

Issue #147 resolved
Zoran Žunko created an issue

For example , <customSetting>.getOrgDefaults() not showing in autocomplete.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, because custom settings are just SObjects, they aren't reported by the APIs with these methods at all. I'm augmenting them at OST generation time with additional methods like this. This is actually true of several other aspects of the OST such as the shared base Object class, making SObject stub classes extend SObject itself, etc. Looks like I just haven't included all the ones that should be available for custom settings.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'll have this one fixed in the next build. All custom settings stub classes will have completions for both list and hierarchy custom setting methods because I don't have a way to distinguish during generation, but they will be available.

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