Ignore directories with dot (.) during deployment

Issue #1478 resolved
Piotr Bokiej created an issue

Inside my salesforce repository, I’d like directories with a dot (.) at the beginning to be ignored during deployment.

CASE: We are forced to use in our repository (no SFDX structure) .__tests__ folders inside LWC components directories.

We use dot at the beginning of .__tests__ directories to ignore it by ANT during deployment so it is necessary for us. The problem is that after saving or deploying using Illuminated Cloud I get SUCCEEDED_PARTIAL error:

lwc/pxTimelineIcon/.__tests__/pxTimelineIcon.test.js: ERROR at line 1, column 9 - LWC1518: Invalid LWC imported identifier "createElement"

That means this directory isn't ignored.

It would be great if Illuminated Cloud ignores directories with a dot at the beginning, that are inside the LWC components.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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