Apex offline debugger: unable to step into constructor

Issue #1496 resolved
Phil W created an issue

I have created a trivial example where this happens. Try debugging the “ExampleOfDebugIssue_Test.testSimpleExample” and stepping into the construction of the ExampleOfDebugIssue instance at the start of the test. (Note that I’ve not tried setting a breakpoint in this constructor but I was unable to do so and have the debugger stop in my full scenario with my product code.)

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Phil, I hate to say it but I'm unable to reproduce this issue. I start the debugger, it stops on the first line of the test, and I step in...after stepping over field value initalizers and such:


    I'd be curious to compare your debug log to mine to see the difference. Perhaps it's something in the org?

  2. Phil W reporter

    This is the output in the console window from a debug session where I attempted to step into the ExampleOfDebugIssue constructor (and it was as if I stepped over).

  3. Phil W reporter

    If this is “org specific” it is either:

    1. A side-effect of the shape of our scratch orgs (this was re-run on a brand new Winter '20 scratch org created since the POD was upgraded to Spring '20). Note that we have a namespace.
    2. A side-effect of the other code or configuration in the org (clearly not shared here)

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    I was able to reproduce it using a scratch org with a namespace based on your scratch org dev. My guess is that it's the namespace causing the issue, but I'll investigate. Being able to reproduce it is of course half the battle. Thanks for providing all of the info!

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Phil, I've just posted a second build to #1494 that includes a number of offline debugger fixes including what should be the ones for this and the other issue you filed. Can you download/install that build and let me know whether it addresses the issues you've been seeing (and doesn't introduce any new ones!)? I'll be doing my own testing tomorrow, but I figure it never hurts to have some extra cycles on it.

  6. Phil W reporter

    Hi Scott, I am unfortunately unable to try this out right now (I am out of office from today for just over a week). Apologies. I would be happy to try it on my return.

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