Pushing metadata to wrong Org

Issue #1531 resolved
Kostas Vorilas created an issue

We are using two licences (windows+mac). We are pushing metadata from our workstation to scratch orgs only. However, there were 5 pushes to our packaging org from these workstations.

We are wondering if it is possible to accidentally push metadata to a non-select target (scratch org or any org). Is there any log that we can check and see if those pushes were indeed performed from the plugin?

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm not aware of any situation in which Illuminated Cloud would deploy to the wrong org/connection. However, if that is happening then we definitely need to see what's going on. Even without debug logging enabled there should be some log of activity from the IDE present in Help>Show Log in Explorer/Finder. If you're pushing to a scratch org, you will see entries like:

    2020-02-12 08:06:24,064 [43251549]   INFO - j.builder.ForceComSfdxDeployer - Using the sfdx CLI to push changes for module '<moduleName>' to scratch org '<scratchOrgAlias>' with force=false, background=false. 
    2020-02-12 08:06:40,082 [43267567]   INFO - j.builder.ForceComSfdxDeployer - Push completed in 16 s 17 ms. 

    If having trouble finding what you're looking for, feel free to send me the logs and I'll be happy to extract the deployment-oriented information for your specific review.

  2. Kostas Vorilas reporter

    @Scott Wells Thanks for your quick response Scott! We have checked idea.logs and did not find any log that is related to packaging org.

    In our dev team, 2 out of 10 devs are using Illuminated Cloud. Since all 5 deployments (to the packaging org) included files from us who are using Illuminated Cloud (rest are using Vscode), we assumed that it is probably related to the Illuminated Cloud plugin.

    It could be a coincidence and it could be an sfdx problem but we can not track it at the moment. We are thinking also that it might be related to Spring 20.

    We are certain that:

    • is not our CI (uses different packaging user) involved
    • none of us selected packaging org (as a connection)
    • both of us have a connection with packaging org
    • it happened the same day (Monday) and we were both in different network (cities).

    We can delete the connection of the packaging org to keep things safe but before that we would like to find out what happened. It is a bit alarming and if it is an sfdx issue, we would want to know under which scenario it is reproduced

    We tried to reproduce it by creating similar scenarios (like deleting a scratch org from Env Hub or setting different default scratch org in project from the plugin) but we had no luck so far.

    If you have any idea, how we can track it down it would be very appreciated !

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    The logs are going to be the best way of tracking down any issues that might be occurring within Illuminated Cloud. Have your users enable debug logging for Metadata Deployment and Salesforce DX going forward and there will be extensive logging about all deployment/push and Salesforce CLI activity originating from that IDE in the idea.log* file(s) revealed by Help>Show Log in Explorer/Finder/Files.

    Note that Illuminated Cloud is VERY careful about the orgs/connections against which it issues API requests or drives Salesforce CLI activity (e.g., force:source:push). It does not use the notion of a default scratch org at all, instead explicitly specifying the scratch org alias or username on every CLI action it performs. Again, this is something you'll be able to see clearly in the logs once you enable debug logging.

    If you do find anything curious in those logs--or if you're not sure what you're looking for and would like an extra set of eyes reviewing them--please let me know and I'll be happy to help.

  4. Kostas Vorilas reporter

    @Scott Wells Thanks! We have enabled debug logging for Metadata Deployment. How could I send you our log so you can check if you can spot anything?

    I have opened a ticket here (as mentioned before) since unintended pushes were only from us who own Illuminated Cloud. It can be a coincidence and it could be a Salesforce or sfdx issue but we can not track it yet.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    You can email logs to support@illuminatedcloud.com if you want them available to me for review without making them available publicly on the issue tracker.

  6. Kostas Vorilas reporter

    @Scott Wells I have sent an email with our log. I think we can close this ticket unless you find something in the log.

    We are still not sure how this happened as there was no explicit deployment action. We are still monitoring just in case it happens again.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    I just emailed my comments on the provided log. I see only scratch org deployments from early January to late last week...nothing at all to a non-scratch org. As you suggested, I'm resolving this for now, but if you do see this behavior recur, please attach or email a new log and I'll take a look.

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