File status indicator showing that the server copy of a local file has been modified relative to the org copy

Issue #156 new
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

This is an offshoot of issue #151. It would be helpful to show a visual indicator when the server copy of a local metadata file has been modified since the local copy was last retrieved or successfully deployed, whichever is more recent. Used in conjunction with issue #155, this would allow the user to know which files require additional inspection before deployment to ensure that collaborative changes are merged properly.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    I'm definitely planning to do this for SFDX projects using force:source:status. When I do that I'll take a look at what it would mean to provide the same information for traditional projects, but the API calls to get that status information can be quite expensive in densely-populated orgs. My guess is that it wouldn't be an automatic background operation but rather something you could request explicitly.

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