IlluminatedCloud 2 broken in 2019.3.4 (transferred from YouTrack)

Issue #1565 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    Tristan, can you please disable the TerXiFy IDEA plugin as I've seen in the past that it can attempt to take the *.cls file type association as well?

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Hi, I was wondering if you had any update on this. Otherwise I'll resolve it shortly, but you can certainly re-open it if the problem still exists.

  3. Nicole Starr Account Deactivated

    Hi Scott! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. TeXiFy was the culprit as you guessed. Fortunately I wasn’t relying on it at all and have just been able to leave it disabled.

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