Copy to clipboard from SOQL results window no longer works

Issue #1577 resolved
Jeff May created an issue

Using IDEA 2020.1 and IC on Ubuntu (18.04.4 LTS - not changed recently), I can no longer copy a cell contents from the SOQL results window.

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hmmmm...I'm unable to reproduce this. Any stack traces or other errors in your idea.log when you do this?

  2. Jeff May reporter

    I don’t see anything in the logs that indicates a problem – its like Ctrl-C is a no-op. I’ve tried rebooting, relaunching, resetting fonts, small projects (thinking it was a big project RAM issue), nothing works. Not a huge deal, but was a great time-saver for grabbing IDs.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, it should work. I'll try it on my Linux config shortly and see if I can reproduce it there. Perhaps it's OS-specific since the OS clipboard does come into play. I'll let you know what I find.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jeff, I just updated my Ubuntu test config to IJ CE 2020.1 and IC and have no issues copying query results to the system clipboard, either using Ctrl+C on the result set or using the Copy Results toolbar button.

    Can you try copying cells from other tables in the IDE to see if it's an app-wide issue or just in the query results table?

  5. Jeff May reporter

    I can copy in other windows – in the SOQL results pane, the Edit > Copy > Copy menu item is disabled

  6. Jeff May reporter

    OK, we’re getting somewhere – I think some key mapping must have been changed. I can also no longer Copy in the terminal window of IDEA. I’ll dig in deeper and see what I can learn.

  7. Jeff May reporter

    Figured it out – The Keymap for Ctrl-C was changed to ‘copy as plain text’, which doesn’t work in the terminal panels. Putting Ctr-C back to ‘copy’ lets things work as expected.

    Now I just have to come up with a different keymap for ‘copy as plain text’

    Sorry to bother you. Closing this one.

  8. Jeff May reporter

    Panels do not support the IDE 'copy as plain text', so Ctrl-C mapped to that prevents it from working.

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