IDE locks up or never completes "indices" process after running full generate offline symbol table

Issue #1584 duplicate
John De Santiago created an issue

Since upgrading to Idea 2020.1 (I know too soon and a bad idea) I have seen some issues when attempting to generate offline symbol tables. Classes tend to start failing inspections even though nothing changed and so I run the offline symbol job (full) and sometimes it succeeds and other times it locks up. I attached a dump of my logs during the last time it locked up and it appears to generate a new log every second almost as if a polling routine is stuck in a loop.

Not sure if this helps any but let me know if I can provide any additional details.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hey, John. As for the constant indexing, take a look at #1576 which is a JetBrains bug. You can close/reopen the project and it will show indexing as complete. They've already committed a fix on their side, so hopefully a patch is coming soon.

    As for the other, can you please try the following to see if it puts you in a good state?

    1. Use File>Invalidate Caches/Restart to do a full rebuild of caches and indices.
    2. Allow the IDE to restart and indexing to complete.
    3. Use Illuminated Cloud>Configure Project>Rebuild Caches & Indices to rebuild IC-specific indices. This is hokey, but there's another JetBrains bug where it wasn't indexing OST files after step 1 above.
    4. Allow the project close/reopen and indexing to complete.

    I think this is necessary because of the major changes in 2020.1, but I'm still trying to get to the bottom of it. Hopefully it's a one-time thing, though.

  2. John De Santiago reporter

    Thanks. I followed the instructions and it still got hung up on updating indices but if I close the project and reopen things appear to be ok. It’s not a blocking issue at the moment so I think I am good.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, good. Yeah, that's thrown off a few people. Thankfully JetBrains was very responsive.

    Coincidentally I was just finishing up you guys' latest podcast when I saw this issue come in...right when you mentioned these issues. For what it's worth, I'm using 2020.1 exclusively for dev now with spot testing against 2019.3 and I'm not encountering any other issues (that I haven't already fixed at least). I just had to do this little index dance once to get things back into ship-shape. I am curious about your issue with F1, though. Can you be more specific? Feel free to send details via the Slack group if you'd prefer since that's out of the context of this issue.

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