ApexDoc comment generation broken?

Issue #1587 resolved
Andrew Visser created an issue

When I type /** + enter above a method, I used to get a nice stub with @params and the name, etc.

Now I get

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this assuming that takes care of it for you, but if not please reopen and let me know what you're seeing.

  2. Andrew Visser Account Deactivated reporter

    First checkbox was not checked. Not sure how that got changed since it last worked, but it is resolved.


  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    That option isn't enabled by default to ensure that folks don't reformat code and suddenly find HUGE sweeping changes across their code base. Ideally the second option would still work properly even if the first isn't checked, but I refactored the second option to use the first so I guess they're more tightly-coupled now. Sorry for the brief confusion...

  4. Greg Shaw

    The tight coupling of ‘Enable ApexDoc formatting’ and ‘Generate ApexDoc on /**’ is confusing. Understand why the first is unchecked by default but ever since I updated to it has felt like ApexDoc was broken. Even though I did have Generate enabled ApexDoc never inserted parameters or @return options. I only ever got /** on one line, followed by * on the next and then */ on the last line. Because of the tight-coupling and the default off for formatting the update caused ApexDoc to become non-functional. I have now found and enabled formatting and I am back to normal. It was just confusing because it used to work and then it didn’t.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Greg, I agree that the tight coupling is confusing and it's something I plan to address so that /**<enter works whether the formatter is enabled or not. Hopefully I'll get that into one of the very near-term builds.

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