50k metadata limit

Issue #163 resolved
JT Lovell created an issue

I'm trying to pull in a large Salesforce org and it's hitting the limit of 50k metadata items. Is there a way to limit the types of objects I pull in? I did try the select metadata option but it also hits the limit at 50k.

Comments (8)

  1. JT Lovell Account Deactivated reporter

    FYI I'm trying to pull in the default namespace, not a particular package.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    JT, sorry for the issue. The only way that comes to mind for you to do this right now is to author a package.xml with the subset of contents you're wanting to retrieve and use that as the retrieval filter. I'm not even 100% sure that won't encounter the issue somewhere, but I'd say it will provide your best shot at getting the metadata under project management.

    I have a small release queued up that I hope to get out tomorrow but could take a look at this shortly after that if you can't use a package.xml file as a viable workaround. Please let me know.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    JT, let me know if using a package.xml file gets you past this. I'm also currently researching options for a real fix. Right now I'm querying three metadata types at a time (the maximum allowed by the listMetadata() call). I can add a configurable option that queries metadata types one at a time which would get you past this as long as no single metadata type has >50K rows. The downside is that the overall operation will take longer since there will be no opportunity for batching at all. Please let me know either way on the package.xml option and also if you'd like to try a test build that queries metadata types onesy-twosy.

  4. JT Lovell Account Deactivated reporter

    I'll take some time tomorrow to do some testing with the package xml. One thing that may help - with Maven's Mate, pulling in this org also times out if you try to pull in the usual objects: classes, triggers, components, pages, and static resources. But if you uncheck static resources it pulls in the source code fine.

    I should probably add that this isn't a large org, it's a massive one - 19 Mb of source code, 2.5 TB of data, 1500+ custom objects - you get the idea.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry for the delayed response, JT. Yesterday was a very busy day for me. Thanks for the additional info. Let me know your findings with package.xml and if you want a test build that doesn't attempt to batch metadata type queries at all.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue #107 documents a similar issue with a maximum amount of metadata that may be requested for retrieval.

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