Issues with retrieval of ExperienceBundle metadata when there are multiple communities

Issue #1646 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

I've had a user report what seem to be issues with retrieval of ExperienceBundle metadata when there are multiple communities in the organization. It seems to be because files from one bundle are matched against files with the same names from another bundle in the filesystem when IC reorganizes the retrieved metadata to match the project metadata. I'm logging this issue to help with the diagnostic progress.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    This build includes prospective fixes for the ExperienceBundle retrieval issues. You can install it by downloading the archive (don't extract it) and using Settings/Preferences>Plugins>Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu).

    Note that there is a semi-related other known issue with Audience metadata that I've logged as #1645.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Delivered in so you can safely move off of the attached test build. Let me know if you do see any further issues with retrieval of ExperienceBundle metadata.

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