Add support for @AuraEnabled annotation

Issue #165 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

From the discussion forums:

Hi Scott,

Thank you for your product - I like it and how it grows.

I'm waiting for support of Aura components, but can you add at least Apex @AuraEnabled annotation to syntax scheme? At the moment when I add it to Apex controller it breaks all Illuminated Cloud syntax and format support, so I have to write all code without @AuraEnabled, then validate it and if all ok - add @AuraEnabled and deploy. If I need to go forward with controller I should comment all @AuraEnabled, write code, validate, then remove comment from @AuraEnabled and so on.

So just adding @AuraEnabled as allowed annotation can save time for developer who builds Aura components.

Thanks, Oleg

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    FYI, I'll be including this in a release Monday alongside static resource bundle support.

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