Allow disabling of tabbed editor behavior

Issue #1657 resolved
Jurgis Salna created an issue

I feel this bug has been around before. Clicking Javascript, Helper, etc should open a new editor tab.

Also note the filename doesn’t change in the editor, causing some confusion when switching tabs.

Happens with both lwc and aura.

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is an aspect of the tabbed editor behavior for Aura/LWC bundles. There are two sets of tabs involved, the primary editor tabs--generally at the top--and the editor sub-tabs at the bottom. The primary editor tab is named based on the original file through which the bundle was opened; the sub-tabs are named based on either the role played by the selected file, e.g., "HTML", "JavaScript", "CSS", "Metadata", or the actual filename if it's a supporting file, e.g., a Jest test. You can easily navigate between sub-tabs using either Related Symbol or Select next/previous tab in multi-editor file.

    I apologize but this is unlikely to change. Based on end user feedback it's a favorite feature for Aura/LWC dev and even for providing easy access to meta.xml files without having them pollute the Project view. I'll keep this request around but change it to an enhancement to be able to disable tabbed editors for those who prefer not to use them.

  2. Jurgis Salna reporter

    Heh, I’ve always thought it’s a bug, not a feature! 😃

    Yes seems bottom tabs are highlighted correctly.

    As I said, it’s very confusing when working on couple of files and you expect it’s gonna open html template but instead it’s some JS class.

    I’d very much love it to be an option.

    p.s. indeed I love meta.xml hidden from project view - barely ever touch them. It’s great they are in bottom tab, but again - clicking on Metadata should open xml file in new tab, not get into this weird hybrid state 🙂

  3. Jurgis Salna reporter

    Hi here’s a video illustrating two issues with tab behaviour:

    1. Go to definition breaks for some reason if I’ve left Component tab open
    2. Opening source file on sidebar opens wrong file

    To me it’s an obvious bug that causes to loose flow every day.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Just a quick update. I spent some time this afternoon debugging the underlying JetBrains IDE issue that leads to this errant behavior. After getting my head wrapped around it again, I followed up on the original issue I'd logged with JetBrains about it. I'd like to see what they say before I throw in the towel and add configuration options to disable tabbed editors. If they don't respond in a relatively short period time, or if they do and don't think they'll provide a fix for this (again, in a relatively timely fashion), I'll go ahead add the config options.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Well, I still haven't heard anything from JetBrains on the linked issue, even after another follow-up. As a result I implemented configuration options for how/whether tabbed editors should be used:


    Everything looks really good, but because I've just implemented it, I'm not quite comfortable putting those changes into tomorrow morning's build. I'd like to get a bit more burn-in time just to make sure there aren't any weird corner cases. I'm happy to attach a test version of tomorrow's official build with those changes here if you'd like to check them out as well. Otherwise they'll be included in next week's build.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, and it's worth mentioning that tomorrow's build will have a fix for #2030 which I believe was a duplicate of one you opened, but I haven't been able to find yours to link them. Anyway, it's the issue where unit test execution would occur against the wrong org when you have created/auth'ed a new org with an existing alias.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is a build of with the changes for configuration of whether or not to use tabbed editors. To install it download the attached archive (but don't extract it) and use Settings/Preferences>Plugins>Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu). Allow the IDE to restart. You will then find the configuration options under Illuminated Cloud>Configure Application in the new User Interface tab. If all goes well I plan to include these changes in next week's release.

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