SOQL returning large number of rows crashes the IDE

Issue #1674 resolved
Pranay Jaiswal created an issue

I noticed when i query something in production in SOQL editor if the number of rows returned are large the IDE just freezes. We then need to restart IDE.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Pranay, IC tries to guard against this by prompting when you run an unconstrained query (or WHERE or LIMIT clause) that contains sub-queries, or when you run a query that includes BLOB-type fields. I'll use this issue to add an optional prompt for when you run an unconstrained query even if it doesn't include sub-queries.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Fix delivered in From the release notes:

    Issue 1674 - Added three new configuration options to the SOQL Query tool window:

    • Validate query result set size - When enabled, a count query is executed first to determine whether the number of rows returned would exceed the configured maximum query result set size. This validation is disabled by default.
    • Validate unconstrained query result set size - When enabled, a count query is executed first for unconstrained queries to determine whether the number of rows returned would exceed the configured maximum query result set size. Unconstrained queries are those with no WHERE or LIMIT clause, or those with a LIMIT clause that exceeds the configured maximum query result set size. This validation is enabled by default.
    • Maximum query result set size - The value used by the two constraints above when enabled. The value must be in the range 100-50K inclusive and defaults to 5K rows.

    All SOQL Query configuration options have also now been moved into a configuration dialog accessible from the SOQL Query tool window toolbar.

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