Completion freezing and not working

Issue #169 resolved
Zoran Žunko created an issue

Scott, i will provide more details, this is just a placeholder for me not to forget to report it. I don't know if other users have experienced this.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    What version of the plugin were you using? I see that this issue is reported as, but were you on the latest? I ask because I have had a few folks run into this in the past, so in a recent release ( I included a prospective fix. I've only heard from one other person about a freeze since then, and he was on a build just before the prospective fix.

    If you're on an older build, could you update to the latest and see if it still occurs? If you're on the latest build and the problem occurs again, could you get a thread dump of the running process? Let me know if you're not sure how to get a thread dump.


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