Add a metadata selection option for "what I have locally"

Issue #173 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

In a discussion about the current metadata selection options (All/Package, Package.xml, and Selected), a fourth option was suggested which is basically the files that are in the file system. This could either take the form of a distinct option that is self-maintaining, or it could be another action in the Selected option alongside the current Refresh button to auto-populate the selection tree based on what exists in the current file system. Either way I think careful thought will need to be put into when metadata types are treated as wildcards for retrieval purposes and such.

Comments (4)

  1. Jonathan Toland

    Because I also use MM I end up having to manage metadata there and link IC to my package.xml. It confuses me that "Selected" doesn't manage package.xml. I don't understand the "Local" option. It seems like the only difference from "Selected" would be on setup.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Yeah, I'm going to chew on this one a bit alongside other feedback I've gotten from users on metadata selection. Months ago I had a discussion with another user about simplifying the metadata selection so that the Selected UI is basically a GUI for the package.xml file. It sounds like that would be more similar to some of the other tools out there. I still like the idea of just saying "use the package.xml I'm providing", and that's actually the one I use on my large projects where the same package.xml is used to drive CI processes and shouldn't be modified whimsically by tools (including my own!). Definitely more to come on this one and its related issues...

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