Reopen saved scripts on startup

Issue #1752 resolved
Marcel Pękacki created an issue


I love that you can save Anonymous Apex scripts as .apex files and that you can have multiple tabs with Anonymous Apex open at the same time. But it would be even better if the IDE could remember that an Anonymous Apex tab was already saved to a file.

Currently it works like this:

  1. I open an Anonymous Apex tab. The tab name is “Anonymous Apex 2”.
  2. I save the script using the Save button as “MyScript.apex”. The name of the tab is now “MyScript”.
  3. I close the IDE and open it again.
  4. The tab with the script is still available, but unfortunately, it’s name reverted back to “Anonymous Apex 2” and the connection between “MyScript.apex” and the tab is broken.

It would be great if the IDE could restore the connections between tabs and script files.

The same thing would also be great in SOQL Query functionality.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for filing. I thought that it should already be doing that, so either there's a bug or I'm just mistaken. Either way the intention is that it preserves the link between tabs and files across sessions, so I'll address this shortly.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Fix committed for inclusion in the next build (probably won't come until next week).

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