Support for LWC outside of Salesforce projects

Issue #1780 new
Xander Victory created an issue

Would it be possible to extend the LWC (mainly HTML part) support to non-sfdx/sf projects?

See for details, but key differences:

  • No SFDX project, somewhat standard JS/node project layout
  • No metadata files
  • Modules folder provides some difficulties for IDEA/Webstorm resolution (see index.js file in generic boilerplate)

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Xander. LWC does work in non-SFDX projects, though of course they must be stored in metadata format. The only thing that I'm aware of not working is LWC local dev because that requires the CLI-based local development server. Otherwise I've developed quite a few LWC components in traditional/metadata format projects, and I have several customers doing large-scale LWC dev in those types of projects as well.

    If you're unable to get this working, can you provide a sample project that reproduces the issues that you're seeing?

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, I see. I should have inferred that from your first bullet point. Unfortunately I can't see that happening anytime soon as my backlog for Salesforce-specific work is effectively never-ending. I'll keep this on the docket, though, and see if there's an opportunity to take a look at some point.

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