Related field names are not recognized

Issue #1782 resolved
Attila Hajdrik created an issue

In my custom type I’ve a related field and when I try to use it with the __r suffix neither the field or it’s related object’s properties after the dot is resolved.

Using this example:

SELECT Id, FirstName__c, Mother_of_Child__r.FirstName__c
FROM Daughter__c
WHERE Mother_of_Child__r.LastName__c LIKE 'C%' 

Mother_of_Child__r will be red and everything afterward. Mother_of_Child__c is recognized, but does not help what we need.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    When was that relationship field added? Have you regenerated the OST since then? And does the connection guarantee that the connection user has visibility into all fields (Ensure field read access checked)? Please make sure that that option is enable, regenerate your OST, and allow the project to close/reopen. If that doesn't resolve the issue I'll need to get more diagnostic information as this is definition something that should work just fine.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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