Length limit for the name of the test in the "Run/Debug Configurations" dropdown

Issue #1785 resolved
Raihan Navroze created an issue

In the main toolbar, there is a dropdown which is by default, near the left, which has a list of run/debug configurations. IC uses this for tests. It changes when a test is run.

This is working as intended, however when a test has a long name (the length would depend upon the screen size of the user and the UI configuration, in my case it’s 44 characters for ClassName.TestName), the buttons might not fit on the same toolbar row any more, and move some buttons to a new row. This causes everything on the screen to move down to accommodate the new row.

This is not a major issue, however it get distracting that the UI jumps around when moving between multiple tests.

I’m not sure if IntelliJ offers some built-in functionality to limit the length of this, however if it’s trivial, it would be very helpful to cut off the test names after a certain (configurable?) character limit.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is a feature of the base IDE from JetBrains and not something provided by Illuminated Cloud itself. I've run into the same issue and resulting "dancing toolbar". You might file this in the JetBrains issue tracker instead.

    I'm resolving here because I, as these configuration names are derived programmatically for, e.g., unit test class/method executions, and should be unique, truncation would present issues at best and contrived unique truncation patterns at worst. It's best for this to be solved by JetBrains such that the toolbar drop-down itself is horizontally bounded in size with a tooltip that shows the full config name on hover.

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