Can't retrieve ObjectTranslations on sfdx

Issue #1787 resolved
Ariel Siler created an issue

Before i started using sfdx i was used to retrieve object translations by retrieving the file objectTranslations/Account-iw together with the object Account

sfdx changed the rules by creating a directory named Account-iw that contains a file for each field with an extension of .fieldTranslation.

They did a similar thing on object custom fields, but unlike the object fields, i can't retrieve the fieldTranslation files, even when i use the checkbox "Subscribed by Parent"

this is how it looks:

even if i retrieve it (also with the Account object itself) it doesn't retrieve any field translation file nor the .objectTranslation file.

I would expect it to work like it works on custom fields by expanding the subfolders:

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I take it back. This is actually working properly for me. I'm able to subscribe to these:


    and retrieve them:


    and I get back the correct/expected metadata:


    It should be noted, though, that you must retrieve the custom object translation metadata with the corresponding object(s) or you'll get back sparsely-populated translation metadata. This is similar to how things work with retrieval of permission sets and profiles.

    Please let me know if you're not seeing the same results. Also make sure that you've refreshed the server metadata list if the translations were created more recently than the last time that IC cached the server list. Use the Update now link at the bottom of the subscription editor and retrieval dialog to update the cached server metadata list.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this since I'm not seeing any issues. If you're still having issues, feel free to describe them here and let's see whether they're actual bugs or just config issues. If the former, we'll reopen the issue of course.

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