INVALID_SESSION_ID Error when saving single file or retrieving metadata after IDEA has been idle for 8+ hours

Issue #179 resolved
Vivek M. Chawla created an issue

When returning to work in the morning, if I try to save (deploy) a metadata file, or try to retrieve all Project metadata, I get the following error message.


I also get this message when trying to rebuild the offline symbol table.

It looks like I'm the session with SFDC expired, but IC is not re-authenticating properly. If I close and re-open the project, everything is back to normal.

This has happened consistently, every time I return to IDEA / IC after many hours of idle time.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, another user reported this to me this morning. I thought I'd put this issue to rest two releases back, but evidently there are still areas where it occurs. The other user has already supplied a stack trace so I'm hoping to get this one knocked out ASAP.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I've already figured this one out. I'll see if I can get a new build up later today with the fix for this.

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