Incorrect error highlighting

Issue #1800 resolved
Phil W created an issue

I have a class SirenumUtils that contains the following nested interface (which has some specific implementations also in that class):

    public interface FieldSetMember {
        Boolean getDBRequired();
        String getFieldPath();
        String getLabel();
        Boolean getRequired();
        Schema.DisplayType getType();

This is designed to mimic the Schema.FieldSetMember API to allow mocking.

I then have the following in a method of SirenumUtils:

    public static List<SirenumUtils.FieldSetMember> getFieldSet(Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objectType,
            String fieldSetName) {
        if (Test.isRunningTest()) {
        } else {
            // This is how the method is intended to work in production. The field set member list is underpinned
            // by real field set content
            Schema.FieldSet fieldSet = objectType.fieldSets.getMap().get(fieldSetName);

            if (fieldSet == null && !fieldSetName.contains('__')) {
                // Could not find the field set using the bare name (which doesn't have a namespace prefix
                // on it already), instead try to retrieve the field set with the extension package namespace
                fieldSet = objectType.fieldSets.getMap().get('s5m__' + fieldSetName);

            if (fieldSet == null && !fieldSetName.contains('__') && String.isNotBlank(getNamespacePrefix())) {
                // Could not find the field set using the bare name (which doesn't have a namespace prefix
                // on it already) or on an s5m externally packaged field set. The org has a namespace so see if the
                // field set can be obtained by prefixing the name with the namespace prefix
                fieldSet = objectType.fieldSets.getMap().get(getNamespacePrefix() + fieldSetName);

            if (fieldSet != null) {
                List<SirenumUtils.FieldSetMember> fieldSetResult = new List<SirenumUtils.FieldSetMember>();

                for (Schema.FieldSetMember member : fieldSet.fields) {
                    fieldSetResult.add(new FieldSetMemberBasedFieldSetMember(member));

                return fieldSetResult;
            } else {
                return null;

IC2 expresses the following error:

Expected type sirenum.SirenumUtils.FieldSetMember; found Schema.FieldSetMember

The editor shows:

Salesforce does not have any problem with the code.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'll take a look at this one as well. The namespace qualifications should make this one unambiguous so I'm not sure what might be happening.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm pretty sure that this was fixed in via:

    Fixed an issue that could result in an inner class being found for a type name reference with a namespace qualification.

    Please feel free to reopen if you continue to see this issue after updating.

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