Create Manifest/Add to subscription when default org is scratch org

Issue #1806 resolved
Paul Romer created an issue

Currently the only way I was able to create a metadata subscription was to select my dev hub so that the app recognized that I needed the meta data api. Then I had to manually create a package.xml and select it. From there anytime I wanted to add to that subscription I’d have to switch back away from my scratch org. Unless I’m missing something in the UI that already does this, it would be really nice to be able to create a package.xml and add to it while having a scratch org as your default org.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    When working against a scratch as a scratch org, there's no explicit notion of a metadata subscription. Instead the relationship between project metadata and org metadata is managed automatically by the source sync API filtered through .forceignore.

    IC does support working against a scratch org as if it was a non-scratch org, though. You just have to check Use deploy/retrieve/delete instead of push/pull for the scratch org connection and then you can use an explicit package.xml-based metadata subscription when working with that org. You can find more information here in the user guide:

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this as this is working as designed and the requested behavior is already available via the connection config option. If I've misunderstood the request, though, feel free to reopen with additional details.

  3. Paul Romer reporter
    • changed status to open

    The bigger issue I was looking at was simply maintaining the package.xml for regular org deployment while developing against the scratch org. This would be important for keeping the package.xml versioned. Not everyone on our team uses IC. So having the package.xml is important, but while working on a scratch we do want to be able to use sfdx push/pull. So, just being able to easily maintain a package.xml while developing against a scratch would be nice. Obviously I don't know how difficult an implementation this is. I just thought it would be a nice feature. Also, my need might be very niche too.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, I see. So basically you want IC to help author a package.xml that wouldn't be used against a scratch org. Sorry for misunderstanding! That does make sense. I'll definitely take a look.

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