Enhancement: Only prompt once to deploy when selecting a large set of metadata that is not subscribed

Issue #1828 resolved
Justin Julicher created an issue

When you select a large set of metadata in the project window and it’s not subscribe it prompts individually for each and every piece of metadata with the message:

ApexClass 'ScheduledDispatcher' is not part of the subscription for module 'GRE Salesforce Phase One'.
Do you want to deploy it anyway?

If you had selected 50 pieces of metadata that is not subscribe you have to click 50 times to either deploy or not deploy.

Please make it a single window where you can select all /de-select all in one click (perhaps open the metadata deployment window?)

Or give an option to deploy all or cancel operation.

It becomes really annoying if you have selected a folder with hundreds of unsubscribed metadata. I’ve resorted to killing the process as a quicker solution.

Let me know if you need any further information or clarification.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, this drives me crazy as well. I just committed a fix for this that allows you to do an effective Yes/No to All type of response for that deployment, and it remembers that decision across deployments assuming that you generally want to give the same response each time.


    I'd also like to have an option to add the offending metadata to the subscription automatically, so I may look at that next.

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