Retrieved metadata includes empty "unpackaged" directory and other metadata as peers

Issue #1872 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

Conveying this into the public issue tracker to help the user reporting this issue track it down in a more focused manner.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    This is a test build that will only use the unpackaged directory if it exists AND isn't empty. Otherwise it will continue to use the parent of that directory. I don't know why there would be an empty unpackaged directory when metadata was successfully retrieved--this is the first time I've seen/heard of that in the ~6 years since IC's retrieval capabilities were first implemented--but let's see if this helps resolve the issue.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    One more test build, this one with what I expect will be the final fix. IC2 now looks to see if there's a configured package directory specifically named unpackaged and, if so, it doesn't reparent onto that directory if present. I've verified the correct behavior against source format projects with such a configuration, those without, and metadata format projects where retrieved directory structures do include the unpackaged top-level directory.

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