unpackagedMetadata property is not recognised in sfdx-project.json

Issue #1877 resolved
Paul Kissick created an issue

The packageDirectories property in the sfdx-project.json file for a SFDX project, now supports “unpackagedMetadata” to supply a path for building a package with specific metadata for testing.

Here is an example of this configuration file…

    "packageDirectories": [
            "path": "force-app",
            "default": true,
            "package": "My App",
            "definitionFile": "config/project-scratch-def.json",
            "versionName": "0.1",
            "versionNumber": "0.1.0.NEXT",
            "unpackagedMetadata": {
                "path": "unpackaged-tests"
            "path": "unpackaged-tests",
            "default": false
    "namespace": "",
    "sfdcLoginUrl": "https://login.salesforce.com",
    "sourceApiVersion": "51.0"


When rendered in IC (with Webstorm), this property is highlighted as ‘not allowed’ in the configuration, see attachment for a screenshot of the error.

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