Ternary return not resolving correct type during edit

Issue #1886 resolved
Xander Victory created an issue

The error shows Expected type String; found Boolean and autocomplete doesn’t function. When line is completed (i.e. removing the String. shown), it resolves fine

public class TimeDisplayController
    public Time timeValue
    public String getFormattedTime() {
        return timeValue != null ? String. this.timeValue.hour() + ':' + this.timeValue.minute() : '???';

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hah! You had me totally freaked out for just a minute when I thought you were showing me a new valid Apex syntax for String.this somewhat akin to how you qualify Java inner class this references as the outer class type. Then I realized what's really happening...

    I'll take a look. Might be a simple fix; might not. When code completion is happening the parser is put into a strange state with a dummy identifier at the point of completion. I'll have to see what that's doing to this ternary expression and whether/how I can detect it properly to provide the correct completions. I'm certain I can do it, but I just don't know how simple it will end up being.

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