First generation extension manage package - Apex Class namespace became required

Issue #1889 resolved
Констатин Афанасьев created an issue

I’m using the following functionality to develop an extension manage package (it’s first generation manage package) -

Recently it’s became required to specify namespace for Apex Classes within this extension package.

Salesforce doesn’t require explicitly specify the package namespace if you don’t refer to a code from another package.

Now all Unit Tests full of red class names and auto complete doesn’t work.

It’s still possible to search for the classes inside the package.

I tried to delete and regenerate offline symbol tables but to no avail.

As a workaround I need to explicitly specify the package name during development and then remove it manually when pushing to the repository.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. I'm not seeing this locally with several projects that follow that same multiple-packages-single-project model, so I'm hoping it's just a configuration issue with the project. Can you please show a screenshot of Illuminated Cloud>Configure Application and also provide your project's .iml files, either here or, if you'd prefer, via email to

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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