Content Root is set incorrectly when creating from VCS files

Issue #1903 resolved
Aidan Harding created an issue

When I create a fresh project from VCS (or by opening the attached zip), the content root is set to “unpackaged”. This means that the files in the project root (.forceignore, .gitignore, and sfdx-project.json) are not part of the content.

Comments (11)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aidan, can you please describe the directory structure of this project so I can make sure I'm reproducing against the same thing?

  2. Aidan Harding reporter
    aidan@AN0031 WebstormProjects % tree -a -I .git ic-content-root-issue
    ├── .DS_Store
    ├── .forceignore
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── .idea
    │   ├── .gitignore
    │   ├── ic-content-root-issue.iml
    │   ├── inspectionProfiles
    │   │   └── Project_Default.xml
    │   ├── modules.xml
    │   ├── vcs.xml
    │   └── workspace.xml
    ├── sfdx-project.json
    └── unpackaged
        ├── .DS_Store
        └── main
            └── default
                └── classes
                    ├── SiteLoginController.cls
                    └── SiteLoginController.cls-meta.xml

    And, then I opened the ic-content-root-issue directory as a project in Webstorm.

    I hope that’s the detail you were looking for?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yes, thanks. And I just noticed that you sent me exactly that, so I apologize for asking for the same thing here. At a glance I was assuming the attachment was just the .iml file, but it looks like you sent me everything I should need to work on this. Next time I'll check what's already been provided more closely before requesting additional info.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I have a fix for this, but it's not going to make tomorrow's build. I'll include it in next week's build, though. I'm happy to provide early access if you'd like.

  5. Aidan Harding reporter

    Awesome, thanks, Scott. No need for an early build - it only occurs when I’m creating a new CI-based project and is easily worked around. This structure is what you get when you point Gearset at an empty Git repo.

    I can update my CI instructions for the team next week and remove a step 😀

  6. Aidan Harding reporter

    Hey Scott,

    What happened to this one? It doesn’t seem to have made it into a build yet?

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is sitting in a separate branch where my work on it was disrupted by the issues with the JetBrains 2021.2 release. I'll look at bringing it back into the official build either this week or (more likely) next week. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. Aidan Harding reporter

    Ah, of course. At least the revised JetBrains release seems to have fixed a lot of things.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aidan, I finally integrated the shelved fix back into current work...and fixed/improved a number of other things in the same area along the way. It should be included in this week's Thursday build.

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