Can't use "add to metadata subscription" on custom fields when .object file exists

Issue #1931 resolved
Michele Roncalli created an issue

Working on an sfdx project and multiple orgs.

From time to time I need to retrieve custom fields for ORG1, while the project connection is to ORG2.

If the .object file exists for the current custom object, I am unable to use the “add to metadata subscription” on a newly custom field retrieved.

Otherwise, if the .object does not exists, I can retrieve any custom field from that custom object and, as soon as it is retrieved, IC2 shows the modal to add it to my subscription.

I can’t reproduce why the .object exists or not. But it is a big problem to me, I am not able to correctly track the custom fields.

To be clear, on these “problematic” objects, selecting “add to metadata subscription” starts and say “no changes required”.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    The Add to Metadata Subscription action is used to update your subscription based on files that are found locally. If you haven't retrieved the file for a field, it won't be found locally and won't be added to the metadata subscription. Instead you'd want to open the subscription editor (Illuminated Cloud>Configure Module), refresh the metadata cache used to build the selection tree, and then check whatever new server-only metadata you'd like in your metadata subscription.

    Note that if you've already added an entry for the parent CustomObject to your metadata subscription, you do not need to add the child metadata objects, e.g., the CustomField entries for that object.

    Please let me know if I've misunderstood the use case.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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