"Cannot resolve symbol" error for all custom field

Issue #1934 resolved
Former user created an issue

Illuminated Cloud build number : 20210701100955

Illuminated Cloud version :

IDEA build number : #IU-211.7628.21

IDEA version : 2021.1.3

For a few week now, all the custom fields are no longer recognized and show a “Cannot resolve symbol” error, despite trying to refresh symbol table multiple times. It happens on all my projects now.

What I tried so far :

  • Reinstalling Illuminated Cloud
  • Reinstalling IDEA

See linked logs and offline symbol table

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. I'm not seeing those fields in your OST, e.g., STAF_Assignment__c.User__c. Here's the full definition of the OST stub Apex class for that SObject:

    // Generated by Illuminated Cloud on Mon Jul 12 14:32:09 CEST 2021. Do not edit.
     * <h3>Assignment</h3>
     * <p>Internal Salesforce
     * Used by : Staffing
     * Persistance</p>
    global class /*Schema.*/STAF_Assignment__c extends SObject 
        global List<AttachedContentDocument> AttachedContentDocuments;
        global List<AttachedContentNote> AttachedContentNotes;
        global ProcessExceptionEvent AttachedTo;
        global List<Attachment> Attachments;
        global List<CombinedAttachment> CombinedAttachments;
        global List<ContactRequest> ContactRequests;
        global List<ContentDocumentLink> ContentDocumentLinks;
        global FlowExecutionErrorEvent ContextRecord;
        global User CreatedBy;
        global Id CreatedById;
        global Datetime CreatedDate;
        global List<DuplicateRecordItem> DuplicateRecordItems;
        global List<EntitySubscription> FeedSubscriptionsForEntity;
        global static final SObjectTypeFields fields;
        global ContentVersion FirstPublishLocation;
        global List<GoogleDoc> GoogleDocs;
        global Boolean IsDeleted;
        global User LastModifiedBy;
        global Id LastModifiedById;
        global Datetime LastModifiedDate;
        global String Name;
        global List<NetworkUserHistoryRecent> NetworkUserHistoryRecentToRecord;
        global List<Note> Notes;
        global List<NoteAndAttachment> NotesAndAttachments;
        global SObject Owner;
        global Id OwnerId;
        global Case__hd Parent;
        global List<NetworkActivityAudit> ParentEntities;
        global NetworkFeedResponseMetric ParentRecord;
        global List<ProcessException> ProcessExceptions;
        global List<ProcessInstance> ProcessInstances;
        global List<ProcessInstanceHistory> ProcessSteps;
        global List<RecordActionHistory> RecordActionHistories;
        global List<RecordAction> RecordActions;
        global List<CollaborationGroupRecord> RecordAssociatedGroups;
        global RecordType RecordType;
        global Id RecordTypeId;
        global ContentDistribution RelatedRecord;
        global EmailMessageChangeEvent RelatedTo;
        global EventRelationChangeEvent Relation;
        global List<STAF_Assignment__Share> Shares;
        global AIInsightValue SobjectLookupValue;
        global static final SObjectType SObjectType;
        global List<STAF_Cell__c> Staffing_Cells__r;
        global Datetime SystemModstamp;
        global List<STAF_Assignment__Tag> Tags;
        global AIRecordInsight Target;
        global List<TopicAssignment> TopicAssignments;
        global UserRecordAccess UserRecordAccess;
        global EventChangeEvent What;
        global STAF_Assignment__c()

    That will usually happen if the user for the connection used by IC2 doesn't have read access to those fields. It doesn't matter if that user is a system administrator. Access must be granted explicitly via either profile or permission set. IC2 can help to ensure that permission, though you'll want to read the fine print. See the Ensure field read access connection configuration option as documented here:


    Please let me know if granting read access to the missing fields, either via that config option or explicitly yourself, then regenerating the OST doesn't resolve the issue.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving assuming that will fix the issue, but if it doesn't please reopen with details about what you've done to grant read access to the missing fields.

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter


    I confirm that after checking “Ensure field read access“ and rebuilding symbol table the issue was gone !
    Thank you for the efficient and quick support.

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