Few objects are not able to be refreshed from server

Issue #1941 resolved
Gorana Grubisic created an issue

Object Pricing_Parameter__c is not able to be retrieved from server.
Tried every option possible what , retrieving metadata from Local, Server+Local, from Server, with Subscribed, Subscribed with Parent, without both, Generating offline symbols. Like there is no connection between the server and local object file.

On Project overview on the left, among objects it’s name is white coloured letters, along with few other objects while others are normally blue coloured.
As well, when retrieving metadata, when Local and Local+Server are marked as true, it’s checkbox to choose it is disabled, even when Custom content is chosen.

Log attached below.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    In the provided log I can see:

    2021-07-23 11:26:10,544 [1034290]   INFO - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Populated C:\Users\Go\PostNL_BitBucketRep_V2\build\csv_relationship_tool\src\objects\Pricing_Parameter__c.object. 

    Later, though, I see a number of warnings like this:

    2021-07-23 11:42:38,839 [2022585]   WARN - d.intellij.ui.CheckboxTreeUtil - Avoiding repeated visit of node: PostNL_BitBucketRep_V2 > PostNL_BitBucketRep_V2 > objects > Pricing_Parameter__c 

    That often means that the same metadata files exist in configured project source roots more than once which can lead to no end of issues due to ambiguity. Do you have multiple copies of the same sources in this project?

  2. Gorana Grubisic reporter

    Yes, there is a logic behind it, but other src folder is a side effect of connected eclipse, completely unnecessary.
    Deleted the object from that irrelevant src folder, and retrieving and detecting the differences between server and locally is finally possible!

    Thank you very much, didn’t expect this fast response! Have a nice weekend Scott!

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad that did it! You can either remove it or you can exclude via right-click, Mark directory as > Excluded.

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