On a screen with a width of 1080p, the Debug Only check is cut off, but I want you not to see it

Issue #1954 resolved
akippiko akippiko created an issue

On a screen with a width of 1080p, the Debug Only check is cut off, but I want you not to see it

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Just to be clear, the screen width is 1080 here? I ask because typically "1080p" means 1920x1080, so a width of 1920 and a height of 1080 (progressive scan, to be complete). If the width is 1080, this is a much more extensive issue to fix as many of IC2's forms and dialogs expect a minimum screen width of 1280 (or it might be 1366 now).

  2. akippiko akippiko reporter

    Thanks for the reply.

    The width implies 1080.

    In addition, 960 is better than 1080.
    This is because in a wide screen with a width of 1960p, which is often used by the general public, 960 is assigned to each when it is divided into left and right.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for clarifying. To be honest it's unlikely that I'll update IC2 to support a horizontal resolution less than 1280/1366 anytime soon. Most of its forms and dialogs should be fine, but those that use the log level configuration component are going to require a wider screen for now as making it fit will require a full layout change.

    Having said that, in the Anonymous Apex and Log Viewer tool windows you can use keyboard shortcut for Debug Only, Alt+D on Windows/Linux and (I think) Opt+D on Mac. Obviously not an ideal response, but hopefully that provides a workaround when trying to access that checkbox when it's obscured.

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